℗ Essaim des voyelles


  • Title: Essaim des Voyelles
  • Type: Interactive Installation
  • Designers: Greg Beller and Norbert Godon
  • World Premiere: “Formes Elémentaires – Mouvements et Géométrie de la Pensée” exhibition, Guyancourt, France, 10th of October – 1st of December 2013
  • Exhibition: “Cabinet psychophonétique”, Galerie Jeune Création, 24 Rue Berthe, Paris, France, 30th of January – 7th of March 2014
  • more info

Essaim des Voyelles is an interactive installation playing with the concept of psycho-phonetic synaesthesia. Norbert Godon and me made a huge review on the literature about synaesthesia. Especially on the point of view of speech. We tried to illustrate some of our findings into this installation that proposes to the audience to visualize different shapes regards to the vowels they pronounce.

First, we worked on a vowel recognition system able to discriminate vowels from other sounds and to categorize vowels in real time. Then we designed some shapes, taking account the literature that are commonly related to some of the vowels. Finaly, the shapes are materialized by boids that fly around them as long as the voice sustains the vowel.

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