℗ La Mort de Danton

Contemporary Theater

  • Title: Woyzeck – La Mort de Danton – Léonce et Léna
  • Director: Ludovic Lagarde
  • Collaboration: Sound Effect Design, Computer Music Design
  • Premiere: Reims, Comédie de Reims, 21 Novembre 2012
  • more info

I made a very short collaboration with Ludovic Lagarde on this Büchner’s tryptic. I developed two Max4Live devices. One is a classical stereo reverb but using Spat into live. The other is a side-chained mixer device that plays on the volume of a sound track, controlled by an envelope follower applied to another track. They use it in many scenes where the characters were fighting against a crowd, for example, as there are many political talks. They also use previously developed voice processing effect made for un mage en été.
